
美國六十年代有套經典電視刻,叫The Twilight Zone。內容係啲古靈精怪題材嘅短篇故事。1961年其中一集題目叫「Dust」。內容講一個奸商向一個老伯賣假嘅「魔法塵」去救佢被判死刑個仔。


「 And if there’s any moral to it at all, let’s say that in any quest for magic, and any search for sorcery, witchery, legerdemain, first check the human heart. For inside this deep place is a wizardry that costs far more than a few pieces of gold. Tonight’s case in point – in the Twilight Zone.」

大致意思話:「所有魔法,都係應該由人嘅內心出發。人內心深處嘅魔力,遠比黃金更加珍貴」。曾經聽過一句關於魔術嘅訓話:「Magic is not always a puzzle to be solved, but sometimes a mystery to be experienced」,除咗話變魔術俾人睇,魔術師應該更深一層提醒自己,係變魔術讓對方去感受。

Photo by Austin Ban on Unsplash
